P. 634

Installation, use, cleaning and maintenance manual                 (1)

        CLEANING                                                                                                    Cleaning methods
                                                                                                                    During cleaning, it is advisable to reduce the use of strongly abrasive cleaning methods to an absolute minimum, especially on tiles with a smooth texture (glossy
        Cleaning after installation                                                                                 and/or satin finish), as they can be more vulnerable to scratches and loss of brilliance.
        Washing after installation is of essential importance for all subsequent maintenance operations. By performing proper cleaning after installation, you will remove installation   Protection against abrasive dirt
        residues and standard work site dirt, such as for instance: mortar, adhesive, paint, work site dirt of different types. After grout has dried, clean with a suitable detergent   Some types of dirt (sand, etc.) increase the abrasive effect of pedestrian traffic on the surface; therefore, it is recommended to keep the floor as clean as possible
        and always following the instructions for use and dilution provided by the manufacturer on the pack.        in order to prevent the build-up of this kind of dirt taken if from outside. It is recommend to use doormats designed to retain dirt and damp (fixed or mobile doormats
        a) If you are using cement-based grout, Ceramiche Marca Corona recommends the use of FILA DETERDEK (or similar acid buffer detergents, with the exception of   depending on the destination of use of the area) and to position them to so as to cover the entire length of the entrance
        products containing hydrofluoric acid) since this product neither emits harmful fumes nor has an aggressive action on grout.  Extra-duty maintenance
        Apply as follows:                                                                                           In the event of dirt resistant to routine cleaning, use a suitable detergent for the particular kind of dirt.
        • Use FILA DETERDEK diluted in a 1:5 solution (1 litres of FILA DETERDEK in 5 litres of preferably warm water; yield: 1 litre/40 m2).  Specific information:
        • Sweep the floor with care and spread the diluted acid solution using a mop or rough cloth for residential environments or using a motorised brush with white or green   Avoid using abrasive products on decorations and special inserts as they could damage the surfaces.
        discs (depending on needs) for large surfaces.                                                              After grouting coloured and/or anodised aluminium profiles, remove any residues immediately using a sponge and a mild detergent to prevent the grout hardening.
        • Let the solution work for a few minutes, depending on how deep the dirt is.
        • Use a green or white Scotch-Brite abrasive sponge or a scrubbing brush with nylon bristles for structured surfaces, or a motorised brush with white or green discs and   TYPE OF DIRT  SOLUTION  RECOMMENDED DETERGENTS
        a liquid aspirator for large surfaces.                                                                                                                               FABER                    FILA
        • Soak up any residues with cloths or a liquid aspirator.                                                               charcoal, cement                                                     Deterdek
        • Rinse with plenty of lukewarm or warm water and repeat this operation several times until all stains or residues in the gaps of structured tiles have been removed.  calcium efflorescence  Deterdek
        Should you still notice areas that are not perfectly clean, repeat washing but increase the concentration of acid. Refer also to the specific information provided below.
        Warning:                                                                                                                chalk, mortar                                                        Deterdek
        this operation may be aggressive on materials and components placed near the tiling, for instance thresholds, marble window sills, metal doors and windows, decorations,   Inorganic stains  cement-based grout  Acid *  Cement Remover /  Deterdek
        etc. It is highly recommended to protect these surfaces before cleaning.                                                metallic residues                           Tile Cleaner             Deterdek
        b) If you are using epoxy-based grout, it is essential to scrupulously follow the instructions provided by the detergent manufacturer since, after hardening, this type of   wall paint      Deterdek
        grout is extremely difficult to remove. In this case, Ceramiche Marca Corona recommended you to add 10% of alcohol to the washing water or, as an alternative, to use   coloured grout       Deterdek
        undiluted FILA PS/87 alkaline detergent (or a similar product). FILA PS/87 must be used undiluted and must be left to work for about 30 minutes. Then rub the surface   rust, metal marks  Deterdek o Fila No Rust
        with a mildly abrasive brush and rinse with plenty of water.
        Specific information:                                                                                                   coffee                                                              FILA PS 87
        c) After installing products with a honed, polished or metal-effect finish, the acid-based detergent you intend to use must be tested on a small area before actual use.  linseed oil       FILA PS 87
        d) Avoid using abrasive products on decorations and special inserts as they could damage the surfaces.                  tire marks                                                          FILA PS 87
        After grouting coloured and/or anodised aluminium profiles, remove any residues immediately using a sponge and a mild detergent to prevent the grout hardening.  Coca Cola              FILA PS 87 O FILA SR95
        e) After installing structured or non-slip products, cleaning after installation can be repeated several times, using a higher concentration of detergent and more abrasive   Ketchup  Coloured Stain Remover / No Oil / Wax Remover /   FILA PS 87 O FILA SR95
        brushes, since this type of product tends to withhold more grout/dirt. Correct cleaning will allow you to resume the right appearance and obtain the best non-slip   Organic stains  hair dye  Alkaline  Polishing Cream  FILA PS 87 O FILA SR95
        f)  As  far  as  products  with  a  natural/matt  finish  are  concerned,  Marca  Corona  does  not  recommend  priming/film-forming  products  since  they  are  not  necessary.   urine and vomit  FILA PS 87
        Furthermore, too much priming product, if not removed correctly, could withhold dirt more easily.                       ice cream                                                           FILA PS 87
        g) As far as used floors are concerned, before treating the floor with an acid product, remove any greasy or similar substances with an alkaline detergent, such as FILA   animal fat, vegetable fat  FILA PS 87
        PS/87.                                                                                                                  mustard, mayonnaise                                                 FILA PS 87
                                                                                                                                epoxy-based grout                        Epoxy Residue Remover      FILA CR 10
                                                                                                                                bitumen, pitch                             Solvent Stripper      Fila Solv o Fila Zero Sil
        USE AND MAINTENANCE .(2)                                                                                                wax                                         Wax Remover          Fila Solv o Fila Zero Sil
        Final testing of the tiled surface                                                                           Synthetic stains  ink, felt-tip pens  Solvent  Colored Stain Remover / Epoxy Residue Remover  Fila PS 87 o Fila SR 95
        Final testing must be performed by the end customer, at the presence of the fitter and project engineer. It consists of a visual check (with glasses, if these are worn)   residues of adhesive tape  Oil & Grease Remover  Fila PS 87
        of the surface, at a distance of 1 metre. An “effect” that is only visible using close-to-ground light and very close to the floor, also using a magnifying glass, cannot be   residui di scotch  Solvent Stripper  Fila Solv o Fila Zero Sil
        considered as a “defect”. An “effect” becomes a “defect” only when clearly visible under the conditions stated above. Durability of a tile surfaces strictly relates to the   resins and glazes, graffiti  Graffiti Remover / Epoxy Residue Remover  Fila No Paint Star
        manner it which it is taken care of; the end customer has an important role in keeping the tile surface in good condition, both aesthetically and technically, over time.  suction cup marks  Alkaline Cleaner  Fila PS 87 o Fila CR10
        Some precautions, which also depend on common sense as well as on knowledge of the materials installed, must be observed.  Residual stains      Detergent
        Routine cleaning                                                                                                        protective wax                              Wax Remover        Deterdek + Fila Solv Fila Zero Sil
        If the cleaning rules covered thus far were followed after the installation, routine maintenance, i.e. everyday cleaning to remove dirt from traffic and general use of the   * * Important: acid products can corrode marble, granite, natural stone and metal. Therefore, never use these products on decorations or inserts that features these
        tiled surface, is not a problem.                                                                            materials. STRICTLY FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ON THE PRODUCT’S LABEL.
        CORRECT CLEANING is performed using a cloth or sponge moistened in a diluted solution of common neutral detergent for tiles, following the instructions for use
        and dilution provided by the manufacturer of the product.                                                   FABER CHIMICA                        FILA INDUSTRIE CHIMICHE S.p.A.
        When the surface has a different appearance from the original one, features shiny patches or retains dirt in an anomalous manner, “degrease” using an alkaline   60044 Fabriano (AN) Loc. Campo d’Olmo, via G.   35018 San Martino di Lupari (PD), via Garibaldi 32,
        detergent and then rinse thoroughly.                                                                        Ceresani 10, Tel. +39 (0732) 627178  Tel. +39 (049) 9467300
        In particular conditions of use (relating to the type of detergent used and/or on staining agents that commonly come into contact with ceramic materials) and   e-mail:,  e-mail:,
        environmental conditions (material installed outdoors), instead of degreasing, it is preferably to perform “descaling” with an acid detergent followed by thorough rinsing.
        Ceramiche Marca Corona recommends:                                                                          (1)  Reference standards:
        Daily:                                                                                                      • UNI EN 14411 - 150   13006
        • Remove dust with special brooms, woollen cloths or a vacuum cleaner.                                      • UNI EN ISO  10545 - 2
        • Wash with FILACLEANER (low-residue neutral detergent) diluted in a 1:200 solution (a coffee cup of product in 5 litres of water) and use a cloth to be rinsed often   • UNI 11493 - 1
        in the solution.
        WARNING                                                                                                     (2)  WARNING
        Irrespective of the washing method adopted, if the surfaces features cloth marks, wash with clean water, rinse often, wring the cloth thoroughly between one rinse and   The recommendations provided above are the result of laboratory research and years of experience.
        the other. Never use too much detergent in water, unless the floor is very dirty and must be rinsed after washing.    However, the cleanability of a material can vary considerably depending on the installation methods, the conditions of use, type of surface and environment.
        Periodically:                                                                                               Generally speaking, the greater the anti-slip features of a tile increase, the more difficult the cleaning will be.
        Degrease using FILA PS/87 diluted in water (preferably warm as this increases its effectiveness) in a 1:20 solution. If descaling is necessary, use FILA DETERDEK   The operator in charge of cleaning and maintenance must always carry out a check on a small section of the surface (possibly on a tile that has not been installed)
        diluted in water (preferably warm as this increases its effectiveness) in a 1:20 solution, followed by thorough rinsing.  prior to any type of cleaning and/or maintenance operation. In case of particularly difficult conditions of use, incorrect installation and/or wrong cleaning, Ceramiche
        WARNING                                                                                                     Marca Corona will not be liable for the effectiveness of cleaning and maintenance procedures. It is understood that Ceramiche Marca Corona will not be liable for
        If the surfaces are not perfectly clean, repeat degreasing and/or discaling using a more concentrated solution.   any events, damages and/or faults on the surface caused by incorrect installation, neglectful cleaning and maintenance and/or inadequate selection of the installed
        The person in charge of these operations must always perform a preliminary test on a small area of material.   materials for the intended use.
        For large surfaces, preferably use a washer-dryer machine and a neutral detergent, such as FILACLEANER in a solution ranging from 1:100 to 1:200, as requested.   For any information, please visit the website.
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