P. 614

Certificazioni / Certifications

        UNI EN ISO
        The production process of Marca Corona is UNI EN ISO certified, a standard which guarantees high levels of quality throughout the   LEED V4_Guidelines
        production cycle, from the raw materials to the finished product.
                                                                                                                     OBJECTIVES                  REQUIREMENTS                    MARCA CORONA CHARACTERISTICS  CREDITS
                                                                                                                                                                                 The wide range of MCO floor tiles for
        U.S.GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP                                                                        Reducing the Heat Island Effect (difference                 outdoor applications contributes to the
        Marca Corona is an ordinary member of the U.S. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL, an organisation that promotes sustainability of   between the thermal gradient of urban and   REDUCTION OF THE HEAT ISLAND EFFECT  reduction of the Heat Island Effect. For   1
                                                                                                                     surrounding rural areas) to minimise impact on
        design, construction and building management processes, by defining parameters for sustainable building, recognised in over 50   the micro-climate.                      more information, contact Marca Corona
        countries all over the world. The USGBC is, in particular, known for having developed the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Envi-                                           1741.
        ronmental Design) rating and certification system.
                                                                                                                     MATERIALI E RISORSE (MR)
        LEED V4                                                                                                                                  AVAILABLE CERTIFIED EPD
        Marca Corona products contribute to obtaining LEED credits, in compliance with the latest upgrade of the certification system,           The EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is a
        namely LEED V4, today the most important criterion for rating the environmental sustainability of a building. In accordance to this      declaration that communicates the environmental   Marca Corona 1741 has its own EPD
        system, the rating of a building depends on the number of credits obtain in several sustainability areas. Amongst the most important     performance of products. The analysis of the   that has been certified by an independent   1
        parameters for obtaining LEED V4 credits: reduction of the Heat Island Effect, availability of specific certificates (amongst which      lifecycle describes impact on the environment in an   organisation.
        the EPD, PEF and HPD), the provision of transparent information relating to raw materials, the recycled content in the finished          exhaustive manner.
        product and the level of emissions of VOC.
        EPD                                                                                                                                                                      Marca Corona 1741 is amongst the first
        The EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is an environmental product declaration that provides transparent and comparable             AVAILABLE CERTIFIED PEF         industries in the ceramic sector to have a
        information on environmental impact of products. It highlights the commitment of a company towards sustainability.                       This is a multi-criteria method for measuring   PEF declaration that has been certified by   1
        Apart from the EPD, issued to all companies of Confindustria Ceramica to rate the average environmental impact of the ceramic            environmental performance, promoted by the EU.  an independent organisation. A certified
        sector, Marca Corona will soon be obtaining the brand EPD, which is specific for its production range.                                                                   PEF guarantees that tiles have high
                                                                                                                                                                                 performance specifications.

        PEF                                                                                                          Promoting the use of products and materials                 Marca Corona 1741 uses only materials
        The PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) measures the environmental performance of a product throughout its life-cycle. The   with available lifecycle information, such as   that have been identified in terms of origin,
        purpose of the PEF is to establish common methods for measuring and communicating environmental impact in order to allow for   lower ecological, economic and social impact.   SOURCE OF RAW MATERIALS Transparency in   extraction site and methods for reduction   1
        a direct comparison between the product and other items of the same product category.                                                    the selection of raw materials.  of environmental impact. The availability of
                                                                                                                                                                                 this information is certified by an external
        The HPD (Health Product Declaration) is a self-declaration relating to the healthiness of a finished product, which describes the        CONTENT OF RECYCLED MATERIAL    The wide range of Marca Corona 1741
        composition of a material (material contents, absence of VOC, etc) and its effects on health. Specific communication standards                                           floor tiles can lead to credits by virtue,
                                                                                                                                                                                 determined by the percentage of pre-
        make this declaration particularly understandable and transparent. Owning this certification contributes to obtaining LEED V4                                            consumer recycled material employed.                 MAX 1
                                                                                                                                                                                 For more information, contact Marca
                                                                                                                                                                                 Corona 1741.
        NF UPEC
        NF UPEC is the French quality mark. It is a product approval certificate issued by the French institute, CSTB, that certifies technical                                  Marca Corona 1741 products have a HPD
        suitability of first grade products with respect to their intended use. Marca Corona has obtained the UPEC certificate for several       AVAILABLE CERTIFICATES          (Health Product Declaration) in compliance   1
        collections. For a complete list of the items, visit                           HPD                             with standards.

        GREEN GUARD                                                                                                  INNOVATION IN DESIGN (ID)
        The GREENGUARD certification is an environmental product certification founded in the United States. It guarantees that products
        designed for use indoors meet stringent chemical emission limits and contribute to the creation of healthier interior environments.                                      Marca Corona 1741 obtained the OHSAS
        The GREENGUARD certification proves that a product fulfils the most rigorous and complete global standards on the low emission                                           18001 certification that defines the
        of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) into the environment and in buildings. The GREENGUARD certification is widely recognised   Creating added value by respecting and   DISPONIBILITÀ DI CERTIFICAZIONE  requirements for management of safety   1
        and adopted by sustainable building and building codes all over the world.                                   improving BAT (Best Available Techniques)  OHSAS 18001      and health of workers to ensure that their
        For a complete list of articles visit                                                                          working environment is safe.
        CCC                                                                                                          INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - (IEQ)
        The CCC (China Compulsory Certificate) is a compulsory safety mark for products sold in the Chinese market. It is required for both
        Chinese manufactured and foreign imported products.
                                                                                                                     Ensuring healthy indoor spaces and maximum   LOW EMISSION MATERIALS  Marca Corona 1741 tiles do not emit   1
                                                                                                                     comfort for the end user.                                   Volatile Organic Compounds.
        The BS OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) standard specifies the requirements for occupational
        health and safety management systems and helps companies keep occupational health and safety risks under control and improve
        their performance. Occupational health and safety means: “conditions and factors that affect, or could affect, the health and safety
        of employees, temporary workers, contractor personnel, visitors or any other person in the workplace (cf 3.23)”.
                                                                                                                    For a complete list of the items, visit

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